Chartwell Pharmaceuticals L L C

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Chartwell Pharmaceuticals L L C. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)

FDA Filings

Lifsa Drugs, LLC
Prescription Medication2025-01-30
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2024-11-09
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2024-10-16
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2024-06-28
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2024-06-16
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2024-04-02
Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc. d/b/a Avet Pharmaceuticals Inc., Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC, Sovereign Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-19
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-13
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-11
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-07
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-06
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-06
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-06
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-06
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-10-04
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-07-18
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC.
Prescription Medication2023-07-11
Lifsa Drugs, LLC
Prescription Medication2023-07-07
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC.
Prescription Medication2022-12-21
Chartwell RX, LLC., Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-21
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-17
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-13
Chartwell RX, LLC., Chartwell Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-13
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-13
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-13
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell RX Sciences, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-13
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-13
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2022-12-08
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-11-24
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-11-15
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-11-04
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-11-03
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-08-25
Chartwell RX, LLC., Chartwell Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-07-02
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-06-08
Lifsa Drugs, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-05-10
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-04-21
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-04-13
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-04-05
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2022-03-11
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2022-02-19
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC
Prescription Medication2021-12-23
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2021-11-21
Chartwell RX, LLC
Prescription Medication2021-11-10
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell RX Sciences, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Prescription Medication2021-10-27
Chartwell RX, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals Congers, LLC.
Prescription Medication2021-10-06
LIFSA DRUGS LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2021-09-11
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2021-08-05
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2020-08-27
Chartwell RX, LLC., Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2020-05-27
Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc. d/b/a Avet Pharmaceuticals Inc., Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC, Sovereign Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Prescription Medication2020-04-28
Chartwell RX, LLC., Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2020-04-01
Chartwell Branded, LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2020-03-30
Chartwell RX LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2020-01-01
Chartwell RX LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2020-01-01
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2019-12-31
Chartwell RX LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2019-03-22
Harris Pharmaceutical, Inc, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals
Prescription Medication2019-03-16
Chartwell RX LLC
Prescription Medication2019-01-11
Chartwell RX LLC, Chartwell Pharmaceuticals LLC
Prescription Medication2019-01-11

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Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
202004027205Port Natal,South Africa -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyLACTULOSE CONCENTRATE 66% W/W3 PKG
2020031344019Port Natal,South Africa -> New York, New YorkLACTULOSE CONCENTRATE 66% W/W3 PKG

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