This page includes the latest FDA filings for Columbus Mckinnon Corp. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Device Company | Device | Date |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
20200929105233 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York, New York | STOCK PANEL K0069733 HS-CODE 85371098 | 5 PCS |
20200929107704 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | . STAHL ELECTRIC WIRE ROPE HOIST HS-CODE 39269097; 73121081; 84311000; 84833038; 85015100; 85015220;85015230; | 17 PKG |
20200929417 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | STOCK PANEL K0067412 HS-CODE 85371098 | 2 PKG |
2020092617904 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | CONTROL STATION HS CODE85365000 . | 12 CTN |
2020092677399 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York, New York | STOCK PANEL K0069733 HS-CODE 85371098 | 5 PCS |
2020092671853 | London,United Kingdom -> Charleston, South Carolina | PLATE CLAMP | 1 CRT |
2020092562554 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | ELECTRIC WIRE ROPE HOIST HS-CODE 39269097,73121081 . . . | 36 PKG |
2020092562351 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York, New York | STOCK PANEL K0069733 HS-CODE 85371098 | 5 PCS |