
FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Dci. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
FDA Owner/Operator Registration

FDA Filings

DCI Edge Dental Chair With Operative Unit2016-06-01

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Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2020092533024Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Tacoma, WashingtonSOLENOID VALVE SOLENOID BLOCK HYDRAULIC BUFFER HS CODE 848180 8487902 WDC
2020091832218Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Tacoma, WashingtonHYDRAULIC PUMP HS CODE 8413815 WDC
2020091766756Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Tacoma, WashingtonHYDRAULIC PUMP HS CODE 8413815 WDC
2020091154248Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Tacoma, WashingtonSOLENOID VALVE HS CODE 8481802 WDC
2020082946936Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Tacoma, WashingtonSOLENOID VALVE BUFFER HS CODE 848180 8487902 WDC
2020080653686Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Tacoma, WashingtonHYDRAULIC PUMP BUFFER HS CODE 841381 8487905 WDC
2020070844618Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> Tacoma, WashingtonSOLENOID VALVE BUFFER HS CODE 848790 8481802 WDC
2020062726430Vung Tau,Vietnam -> Long Beach, CaliforniaHANDPIECE HOLDER ASSY SYRINGE HOLDER ASSY7 CTN

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