Frank Body

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Frank Body. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)

FDA Filings

frank body
Otc Medication2025-02-01
frank body
Otc Medication2025-02-01
frank body
The Better Oil2022-12-31
frank body
Hydrating Body Sunscreen2022-12-31
frank body
Otc Medication2022-12-31
frank body
Otc Medication2022-12-31

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    U.S. Import Records [external site]
    Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
    2020091639228Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaPLASTIC CUP PLASTIC LID PLASTIC CUP INNER671 CTN
    20200516879Yarraville,Australia -> Long Beach, CaliforniaSLAC 72 CARTONS STC SKINCARE PRODUCTS LOADED AS 1 PALLET HS CODE: 3304.99.90 SCAC CODE: SHPT LOWEST HOUSEBILL: S0037495672 CTN
    202004283033Yarraville,Australia -> Long Beach, CaliforniaSLAC 240 CARTONS STC SKINCARE PRODUCTS LOADED AS 4 PALLETS HS CODE: 3304.99.90 SCAC CODE: SHPT LOWEST HOUSEBILL: S00374499240 CTN
    2020042510029Yarraville,Australia -> Long Beach, CaliforniaSLAC 72 CARTONS STC SKINCARE PRODUCTS LOADED AS 1 PALLET HS CODE: 3304.99.90 SCAC CODE: SHPT LOWEST HOUSEBILL: S0037495672 CTN
    201907305106Yarraville,Australia -> Long Beach, CaliforniaSLAC 144 CARTONS STC BODY SCRUB LOADED AS 2 PALLETS HS CODE : 3304.99 SCAC : SHPT LOWEST HBL : S00339216144 CTN
    201907237509Yarraville,Australia -> Long Beach, CaliforniaSLAC 144 CARTONS STC BODY SCRUB LOADED AS 2 PALLETS HS CODE : 3304.99 SCAC : SHPT LOWEST HBL : S00339216144 CTN
    2019050955389Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, CaliforniaCARDBOARD BOX HS CODE48192000041 CTN
    201902051322Yarraville,Australia -> Long Beach, CaliforniaSLAC 70 CARTONS STC: CHERRY LIP SCRUB LOADED AS 1 PACKAGE SCAC: SHPT AHECC: 3304.9970 CTN

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    This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.