This page includes the latest FDA filings for Hycor Biomedical L L C. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Device Company | Device | Date |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Aspergillus fumigatus 63300 | 2025-02-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Elm, Ulmus americana 8633130 | 2025-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Sheep Sorrel, Rumex acetosella 8633370 | 2024-10-29 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Wall Pellitory, Parietaria officinalis 8633900 | 2024-10-29 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Maple Box Elder, Acer negundo 8633060 | 2024-10-29 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Olive Tree, Olea europaea 63314 | 2024-10-07 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS English Plantain, Plantago lanceolata 63333 | 2024-10-07 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Russian Thistle, Salsola kali 8633350 | 2024-10-07 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Maple Leaf Sycamore, London Plane, Platanus acerifolia 8633540 | 2024-09-06 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Cottonwood Tree, Populus deltoides 8633160 | 2024-09-06 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS White Ash - Fraxinus americana 8633170 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Gray Alder, Alnus incana 8633070 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Walnut, Juglans californica 8634430 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Common Pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus 8633360 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Mountain Juniper, Juniper sabinoides 8633110 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Bahia Grass, Paspalum notatum 8632890 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Mugwort, Artemisia douglasiana 63332 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Rye Grass, Lolium perenne 8632820 | 2024-08-15 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Mosquito, Aedes communis 743560 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cotton Linters (Untreated) 743990 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Pine, Ponderosa, Pinus ponderosa 744050 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | White Poplar, Populus alba 744100 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Aspen, Quaking, Populus tremoloides 744770 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta 745370 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Parmesan Cheese 745760 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Curry 745920 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cumin, Cuminum cyminum 745930 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Apricot, Prunus armeniaca 746030 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Duck 746360 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cayenne Pepper, Capsicum frutescens 746550 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Linseed/Flaxseed 746600 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Mackerel, Scomber japonicus 746660 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Vanilla, Vanilla planifolia 746780 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cloves, Syzygium aromaticum 746830 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Nutmeg, Myristica fragrans 746870 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Black Pepper, Piper nigrum 74290 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Pear, Pyrus communis 74291 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum 74302 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Malt 74303 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Green Bean, Phaseolus vulgaris 74305 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Watermelon, Citrullus vulgaris 74578 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Brewer's Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae 74583 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Grapefruit, Citrus paradisi 74611 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Kiwi, Actinidia chinensis 74650 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Parsley, Petrosilenum crispum 74651 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Lamb, Ovis aries 742790 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Red Beet, Beta vulgaris 745640 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Goat's Cheese 745790 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Paprika, Capsicum annuum 746880 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Fusarium culmorum 747550 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Wheat Smut, Ustilago tritici 747780 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa 748540 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Willow, Salix caprea 749490 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cefalexin 782240 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cheese, American (Defatted) 749480 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Lime, Citrus aurantiifolia 749070 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Pepper, Green, Piper nigrum 748830 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Saffron 748770 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Sage, Salvia officinalis 748760 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Papaya, Carica papaya 748750 | 2022-01-10 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Pecan, Hickory, Carya illinoinensis Capture Reagent Pack 8633190 | 2021-12-23 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS 63000 | 2021-12-16 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Timothy Grass, Phleum pratense 63283 | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Cat Dander, Felis domesticus 63212 | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS House Dust Mite, Dermatophagoides farinae 63208 | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS House Dust Mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 63207 | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Cuvette Wash Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Cuvette Arc Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Optics Tip Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Substrate Mix Container Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS IgE Calibrator Antibody Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Probe Wash Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS Wash Buffer Concentrate Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS IgE Negative Control Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS IgE Positive Control Pack | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS IgE Calibrator Set | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | NOVEOS IgE Common Kit | 2021-01-19 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Bing Cherry, Prunus avium 743210 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Alfalfa, Medicago sativa 745050 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Hops, Humulus lupulus 745820 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 745850 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Raspberry, Rubus idaeus 745870 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Oregano, Origanum vulgare 745950 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Lobster, Homarus americanus 74292 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Formaldehyde 747220 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Orris Root, Iris floretina 747400 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Aspergillus versicolor 747560 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Chaetomium globosum 747810 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Yellow Hornet, Dolichovespula arenaria 748440 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Paper Wasp, Polistes spp. 748450 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Sodium Nitrite 783040 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Ciprofloxacin 782430 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Juniper, One Seed, Juniperus monosperma 749760 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Elm, Chinese/Siberian, Ulmus pumila 749690 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Cypress, White Bald, Taxodium distichum 749680 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Safflower Seed, Carthamus tinctorius 749430 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Bermuda Grass Smut, Ustilago cynodontis 749110 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Macadamia Nut, Macadamia spp. 748710 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Bovine Gelatin 748660 | 2021-01-08 |
HYCOR BIOMEDICAL LLC | Pine Nut, Pinus edulis 748620 | 2021-01-08 |