This page includes the latest FDA filings for Lake Region Medical Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Device Company | Device | Date |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020082223005 | Singapore,Singapore -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | 21R NIPPLE WITH 5MM HOLE AND NO SILICONE OIL ADDED21R NIPPLE NO HOLE AND NO SILICONE OIL ADDEDHS CODE 4014 90 | 14 CTN |
2020051662032 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | SPOOL HTS 392340 | 6 PKG |
2019082647432 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | SPOOL HTS 392340 | 6 CTN |
201904099766 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | SPOOLS K 125 PER INV. 3003339 DTD 22.02.2019 3 PACKAGES STUFFED ON 1 PALLET P O 190924 ORDER 46059112 | 3 PKG |
2019032921118 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | SPOOLS K 125 PER INV. 3003339 DTD 22.02.2019 3 PACKAGES STUFFED ON 1 PALLET P O 190924 ORDER 46059112 | 3 PKG |
2019031949153 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | SPOOLS K 125 PER INV. 3003339 DTD 22.02.2019 3 PACKAGES STUFFED ON 1 PALLET P O 190924 ORDER 46059112 | 3 PKG |
2019031645378 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | SPOOLS K 125 PER INV. 3003339 DTD 22.02.2019 3 PACKAGES STUFFED ON 1 PALLET P O 190924 ORDER 46059112 | 3 PKG |
2019031556668 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Charleston, South Carolina | SPOOLS K 125 PER INV. 3003339 DTD 22.02.2019 3 PACKAGES STUFFED ON 1 PALLET P O 190924 ORDER 46059112 | 3 PKG |