Mr Eddie Brown

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Mr Eddie Brown. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

Mr Eddie Brown holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:

FDA Registration(s)

Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2019040227484Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> Brunswick, Georgia2008 NISSAN XTERRA VIN 5N1AN08W18C526433 45 5. 00 X 185. 00 X 190. 00 CM HS CODE 8703 24 90 FREIGHT PREPAID1 UNT
2019040227485Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> Brunswick, Georgia2008 NISSAN XTERRA VIN 5N1AN08W18C526433 45 5. 00 X 185. 00 X 190. 00 CM HS CODE 8703 24 90 FREIGHT PREPAID1 UNT

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