Primapharma Inc

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Primapharma Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)

FDA Filings

QOL Medical, LLC, QOL MEDICAL, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), Woodstock Sterile Solutions, Inc.
Prescription Medication2024-08-16
QOL Medical, LLC, QOL MEDICAL, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), Woodstock Sterile Solutions, Inc.
Prescription Medication2023-12-16
QOL Medical, LLC, QOL MEDICAL, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), Woodstock Sterile Solutions, Inc.
Prescription Medication2023-05-28
Breckenridge Pharmaceutical, Inc., PrimaPharma, Inc.
Prescription Medication2023-03-15
QOL Medical, LLC, QOL MEDICAL, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), Woodstock Sterile Solutions, Inc.
Prescription Medication2022-06-08
Breckenridge Pharmaceutical, Inc., PrimaPharma, Inc.
Prescription Medication2022-01-05
QOL Medical, LLC, QOL MEDICAL, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), Woodstock Sterile Solutions, Inc.
Prescription Medication2021-08-26
Breckenridge Pharmaceutical, Inc., PrimaPharma, Inc.
Prescription Medication2021-04-08
Breckenridge Pharmaceutical, Inc., PrimaPharma, Inc.
Prescription Medication2020-06-10
QOL Medical, LLC, QOL MEDICAL, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), Woodstock Sterile Solutions, Inc.
Prescription Medication2020-04-16
Breckenridge Pharmaceutical, Inc., PrimaPharma, Inc.
Prescription Medication2019-02-12
QOL Medical, LLC, QOL MEDICAL, Lyophilization Services of New England, Inc. (LSNE), Woodstock Sterile Solutions, Inc.
Prescription Medication2018-10-13

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Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
201907043157Le Havre,France -> Los Angeles, California1356 PACKS OF BOTTLES LOADED ON 7 PALLETS HS-CODE 7010901356 PKG
201907033334Le Havre,France -> Los Angeles, California1356 PACKS OF BOTTLES LOADED ON 7 PALLETS HS-CODE 7010901356 PKG
201907024050Le Havre,France -> Los Angeles, California1356 PACKS OF BOTTLES LOADED ON 7 PALLETS HS-CODE 7010901356 PKG
2019062416225Le Havre,France -> Los Angeles, California1356 PACKS OF BOTTLES LOADED ON 7 PALLETS HS-CODE 7010901356 PKG

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