Prime Resources Corp

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Prime Resources Corp. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

Prime Resources Corp holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:

FDA Registration(s)

FDA Filings

Broder Bros Co.,, Prime Resources Corp, Yuyao Jessie Commodity Co., Ltd.
Otc Medication2019-09-07
Broder Bros Co.,, Prime Resources Corp, Yuyao Jessie Commodity Co., Ltd.
Otc Medication2019-09-07
Broder Bros Co.,, Prime Resources Corp, Yuyao Jessie Commodity Co., Ltd.
Otc Medication2019-09-07
Broder Bros Co.,, Prime Resources Corp, Yuyao Jessie Commodity Co., Ltd
Otc Medication2019-09-07
Broder Bros Co.,, Prime Resources Corp, Yuyao Jessie Commodity Co., Ltd.
Otc Medication2019-09-07
Broder Bros Co.,, Prime Resources Corp, Yuyao Jessie Commodity Co., Ltd.
Otc Medication2019-09-06

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U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2019082310103Xiamen,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyTANGLE JR. THIS SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO WOOD PA CKING MATERIALS. CY/CY110 CTN
2019082215952Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyNOTE BOOK BALL PEN "THIS SHIPMENT DOES NOT C ONTAIN ANY SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL"668 CTN
2019082215957Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyNOTE BOOK "THIS SHIPMENT DOES NOT CONTAIN AN Y SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL"550 CTN
2019082215959Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyBALL PEN "THIS SHIPMENT DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL"220 CTN
2019082119767Xiamen,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyTANGLE JR. THIS SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO WOOD PA CKING MATERIALS. CY/CY110 CTN
2019081914756Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> Charleston, South CarolinaBALL PEN "THIS SHIPMENT DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL"50 CTN
201908103002Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyFLASHLIGHT "THIS SHIPMENT DOES NOT CONTAIN A NY SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL"36 CTN
201908103003Ningpo ,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey1778-WHT UB6962 MARBLE PAPER JOURNAL 5X7 PO#P39018 "THIS SHIPMENT DOES NOT CONTAIN AN Y SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL"54 CTN

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