This page includes the latest FDA filings for Richline Group. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020090314759 | Puerto Manzanillo,Panama -> Miami, Florida | PAPER BOX | 15 CTN |
202008198049 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Miami, Florida | PAPER CARDFOAM | 152 CTN |
202007272068 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Miami, Florida | (4PALLETS=110CTNS)IB-206 GLD EVRLSTNG GLD BO X57 X 70 X 29MM240 PER MCCUST PART BOX.XMU .906BKOPLASTICHINGEDBOX47X61X36MMCUST PART BOX.XMU.920KO | 110 CTN |
202007272388 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Miami, Florida | PAPER CARDFOAM | 153 CTN |
202007076260 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Miami, Florida | BUBBLE MAILERS | 101 CTN |
202006305094 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Miami, Florida | IB-301-JDC MEDIUM BOX 89 X 83 X 18 - 13 144 P . . | 167 CTN |
202006273073 | Shekou,China (Mainland) -> Miami, Florida | PACKAGING-EMPTY JEWEL PAPER BOXES, PAPERBOARD INSERTS US TRAFFIC CODE : 4819.50.4040, 4823 .90.8600 | 240 CTN |
2020062414532 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | PAPER BOX158CTNS=10PLTS | 158 CTN |