Unique S A

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Unique S A. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
FDA Owner/Operator Registration

FDA Filings

Yanbal USA, Inc., Yanbal de Columbia S.A.S., Unique S.A.
Otc Medication2021-12-08
Yanbal USA, Inc., Yanbal de Colombia S.A.S., Unique S.A.
Otc Medication2021-04-21
Yanbal USA, Inc., Yanbal de Colombia S.A.S., Unique S.A.
Otc Medication2020-11-26
Yanbal USA, Inc., Yanbal de Columbia S.A.S., Unique S.A.
Otc Medication2019-10-18
Yanbal USA, Inc., Yanbal de Columbia S.A.S., Unique S.A.
Otc Medication2019-10-01
Yanbal USA, Inc., Yanbal de Colombia S.A.S., Unique S.A.
Otc Medication2018-11-15

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U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2020042060227Algeciras,Spain -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey1 X 20 CONTAINER STC 80 NOS OF FIBER DRUMS X 136 KGS EACH A LUMINIUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLORO HYDREX GLYCINE POWDER (ACHIEV E D5499-04) HS CODE : 2827490 0 SB NO. : 2226858 DT.18.03.2 020 FREIGHT PREPAID TOTAL GR80 CTN
2019112347877Algeciras,Spain -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey1 X 20 CONTAINER 72 NOS OF FI BER DRUMS X 136 KGS EACH ALUM INIUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYD REX GLYCINE POWDER (ACHIEVE D 5499-04) HS CODE : 28274900 SB NO. : TOTAL GROSS WT. : 11,100.00 KGS. TOTAL NET WT.72 CTN
2019100731562Algeciras,Spain -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey1 X 20 CONTAINER STC 72 NOS OF FIBER DRUMS X 136 KGS EACH A LUMINIUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLORO HYDREX GLYCINE POWDER ACHIEVE D5499-04 HS CODE : 28274900 SB NO.: 6559841 DT.:28/08/20 19 FREIGHT PREPAID TOTAL GRO72 CTN

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