This page includes the latest FDA filings for Venwel Logistics Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Venwel Logistics Inc holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020073163156 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | ADULT TOYS "THIS SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO SOLID W OOD PACKING MATERIAL | 340 CTN |
2020062545814 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, California | ADULT TOYS "THIS SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO SOLID W OOD PACKING MATERIAL" | 247 CTN |
2020042936041 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | ADULT TOYS SHIELDS | 173 CTN |
2020020835522 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | ADULT NOVELTY TOYS | 133 CTN |
2020012222616 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | ADULT NOVELTY TOYS THIS SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL | 284 CTN |
2020011847627 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | ADULT NOVELTY TOYS THIS SHIPMENT CONTAINS NO SOLID WOOD PACKING MATERIAL | 284 CTN |
2019112145658 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | ADULT NOVELTY TOYS | 161 CTN |
2019092444070 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, California | ADULT NOVELTY TOYS | 92 CTN |