I have celiac disease - requiring lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet and lifestyle, so that my intestine doesn't attack itself again-. I had my first dental composite put in my mouth a month ago, after a mercury molar filling was removed - using dental dam and suction precautions-, and have had celiac reactions ever since to the composite. Normally i am free of symptoms, but i am now experiencing chronic abdominal pain, bloating, gas and very infrequent bowel movements. I have not been able to get ingredient lists from mfrs to determine whether gluten is the cause - which i'm sure it is -, and wonder whether there are any dental companies able to guarantee that no gluten is used in the production or mfr of their materials. So far, i haven't had any luck finding any. My dentist does not know what to replace my composite resin with, and so i am at a loss of what to do. Thank you for your time and any info or advice you can provide. P. S. I would like to avoid mercury as i am of childbearing age. Sincerely, desperate for relief. Dose or amount: used in filling, using in filling. Frequency: presently in mouth. Route: dental. Dates of use: 2008. Diagnosis or reason for use: replacement of chipped amalgam.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5