My health totally failed me because of 48 years of exposure to mercury vapors from amalgam fillings. My symptoms included severe depression, sensitivity to chemicals, headaches, dizziness, night blindness, irritability, mental confusion, heart palpitations, chronic sore throats, ringing in the ears, acid indigestion, numbness in hands and feet, abdominal pain, severe anxiety, shortness of breath, chest pains, electrical sensitivity, inability to concentrate, poor coordination, dry mouth, hair loss, incontinence, joint pain, light sensitivity -eyes-, memory loss, metal taste in mouth, road rage, grinding of teeth, below normal body temperature and tremors. All of these symptoms are not mercury related but you will have to agree that most all are. Dentist placed a gold crown on an existing mercury filling. That created a battery effect in my tooth. I experienced much pain in gum area underneath tooth and discoloration of gum also in that area. The gold reacting to the existing mercury created battery effect in my mouth which greatly contributed to loss of my health.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5