Staff report that they have been opening packages of endoscopy pump tubing to find that the tubing is cracked and broken upon visual inspection and prior to any use. Specifically, staff report that the tubing is not connected to the cap as it should be. Staff have returned four tubing sets from another lot and now are seeing the same problem in a different lot. The rep has been contacted directly by the endoscopy unit staff and informed of this problem. The product is stored in a cabinet on the endoscopy unit. The product remains in its original box until it is needed for a case. This is the only product stored in that cabinet. To our staff's knowledge, the product comes from the manufacturer via the manufacturer's distributor. When it arrives at the hospital, it comes through our receiving dock and then goes directly to endoscopy. Since this event occurred, the endoscopy staff have been in communication with the sales rep. The rep told the staff that the manufacturer has had several facilities complaining of the same findings-cracked tubing upon opening the packaging. The manufacturer believes that the cracks are related directly to the way that the device is packaged in that the tubing is wound too tightly. I have not received any feedback from the manufacturer as of yet.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5