On daily check of narcotics counts in our ambulance, the supervising medic was alerted to a louder than normal fan noise coming from our medi-fridge, -micro-refrigerator with solid-state internal digital thermostat- at that point the inventory control seal from the device and removed the medication for eval. The medications-x4 2mg vials- were heated to the point of being unable to hold in a bare hand. This was immediately reported to the hospital pharmacy and the medications were replaced following our normal procedures. No patients were injured nor was any medication withheld from any patient as a result of this incident. The device was returned to the retail store diabetes and more, for replacement. Secondary to this incident, we have had every unit we purchased of this model fail on us without explainable cause and the company will only replace the units more of the same, refusing to provide a refund or even partial refund. To date we have returned 4 of the 5 units ordered and have removed them from service as they are unreliable and in our opinion dangerous to patients. This unit was one of 4 that ran 24-7 plugged into shore lines connected to the ambulance. All have failed in similar fashion with the exception of heating the medications. Dates of use: 2009. Diagnosis or reason for use: maintaining temperatures for medications.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5