A 5 yr old female was referred to audiology for a hearing exam on november 11, 1997. It was determined that she had a hearing loss in both ears and it was decided to take molds in order to fit her for the hearing aids. The audiologist mixed the ingredients, which are premeasured, and having placed a foam block into the pt's right ear, proceeded to pour the mixture into that ear. A few mins later, she did the left ear, following the same procedure. She removed the mold from the right ear approx five to ten mins later and it came right out, with the plug attached. She then removed the mold from the left ear after the appropriate length of time, and it too came right out with the plug attached. After examining the mold, she realized that it was not formed properly and she would have to redo the left ear. A new plug was placed in the ear, a new mixture was made and inserted into the left ear. When the mold had set up, she loosened it and started to pull it out. The pt began screaming. She noted there was some resistance while she was pulling on it. The pt was taken to an ent physician who was able to pull it out. However, the plug and string remained in the ear. When the physician pulled on the string, it came out, but the plug remained in. The physician noted there was mold material left in her ear and attempted to remove it but was unsuccessful. The pt was brought back to the or on november 12 and under anesthesia, approx twenty small pieces of mold material were removed. However, there was residual polymer left in the ear. On november 20, she underwent further lengthy surgery and the surgeon was unable to remove all of the material in her ear and he noted there was damage to the middle ear. She has sustained further hearing loss in her left ear. She will have to undergo further reconstructive surgery at a later date.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5