Infection post intra-uterine insemination. A pt who had undergone intra-uterine insemination on 2/5/98, developed pain on 2/6/98. She was admitted emergently in-pt due to severe pain. Blood testing included wbc. Observed 12 hrs with pain worsening, she was treated with an antibiotic iv. Pain improved over 48 hrs but persitent elevated white count with persistent increased bands. On 2/9/98, the user facility became aware that an isolate used in the iui was recalled because some units in the affected lot were not sterile. The distributor put the user facility in direct contact with the mfr to learn the identity of the contaminants identified. They were informed that the contaminants were two fungi, one identified as aureobasidium pullulans and the other as an ascomycete. The treating physician sought a consultative eval by an infectious disease dr. On 2/12/98, the mfr conducted a follow-up phone call with the user facility and learned that the treating physician had determined that the pt's condition was not due to fungus. The pt had a previous hydrosalpinx that led to infection following the iui procedure. The pt had been released from the hosp and was continuing on iv-antibiotic therapy for 2 weeks. The unit involved had already been destroyed. No visible sign of contamination had been present. On 2/25/98, the mfr again conducted a follow-up phone call to determined if there was any new info about the problem. The user facility confirmed that the treating physician diagnosed that a pre-existing infection and hydrosalpinx had been re-activated by the iui procedure. The treating physician concluded that there was no connection of the event with the use of the recalled product. The user facility was requested to provide details to help document the case and to complete investigation for possible mdr. On 3/4/98, add'l info obtained included identificatin of iv-antibiotics used (ampicillin, gentamycin and cleocin). The pt was finishing antibiotics and was being scheduled for future salpingectomy.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5