Facility utilizes the bact/alert bacterial impurities limit test for the bacterial screening of all apheresis platelet products. This screening process continues throughout the -5 day- expiration timeframe of each product, and these units are released to hospital consignees during the monitoring period. If there is a screening positive on a product that has been released to a hospital, a system alarm notifies a staff who immediately contact the consignee and advise them not to transfuse the unit. On two occasions, within a four month period, the controller has failed on one device used by the facility. As a result, the screening bottles are neither rotated within the device nor monitored for positive results. There is no alarm to signal this failure mode and thus, the failure may exceed the mfr's timeframe specs for bottle rotation/monitoring. As a consequence, facility loses the ability to immediately identify potential positive screening results and monitor the test status of units associated with the failed device. Although the mfr has stated that this type of failure is a "rare" event, we have advised him that it is unacceptable and a system improvement must be implemented.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5