The patient was prepped and draped for an esophagastrectomy. Staff used duraprep to initially prep the site. During the procedure, the surgeon determined that he needed to access an additional area on the neck and requested that the surgical field be expanded. The drape was cut and the expanded field was prepped with duraprep (catalog # 8630--26ml). Staff report that the field was dry and that sterile towels were used to wall off the edges of the expanded surgical field. Because the surgical site was on the neck, a clear barrier was not put down. The surgeon used a blade to extend the incision followed by a bovie to cauterize bleeders. The surgeon reports that immediately after, he felt his finger burning and staff report seeing a flame on the field. The surgeon began to pat out the flame and the staff immediately poured normal saline on the site. The patient sustained first and second degree burns on the neck (redness and blisters). Wound care evaluated the patient and recommended a topical cream. The patient's hospitalization was not extended from this event and he has since been discharged to an extended care facility. There was no apparent scarring and the skin healed well. The surgeon's hand had a first degree burn and required no medical treatment. The operating room team believes that fumes from the prep were caught in the drapes, which ignited when the bovie was activated.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5