MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a 05,06,08 report with the FDA on 2010-03-15 for HENRY SCHEIN NON STERILE COTTON ROLLS #2 102-5455 manufactured by A.r. Medicom, Inc..

Event Text Entries

[1483694] Since (b)(6) 2009, the doctor alleges they had six different pts experience various levels of what looks like a chemical burn caused by the cotton rolls. Some of the pts had to be treated with antibiotics as a result. The pt was treated on (b)(6) 2009, doctor placed cotton roll in lower right quadrant in front of her teeth behind lip, pt felt burning but did not mention it to the doctor. The pt came back two days later and explained there was burning on other side of mouth. Pt returned on (b)(6) 2010 and given a prescription of antibiotics by the doctor. There was peeling and tight, scarring tissue.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[8486821] Method eval: biocompatibility tests (retesting). Results not yet available. (initial testing results are available but the testing results conducted on complaint samples are still to come). Conclusion: this type of incident was reported exclusively by one complainant, dr (b)(6). Based on the volume of these products that have been in use on the market since nov 2008, the acceptable biocompatibility tests results obtained on one of the first batches of products mfg as described, and the fact that no other incident of this nature was ever brought to our attention, we have no clear evidence that the injuries reported by dr (b)(6) are directly related to the cotton rolls. We manufacture and distribute this product on other markets (b)(4), and no other similar complaint was filed for this product or for any other brands of the similar cotton rolls that we manufacture.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[6080560] Since (b)(6) 2009, the doctor alleges they had six different pts experience various levels of what looks like a chemical burn caused by the cotton rolls. Some of the pts had to be treated with antibiotics as a result. The pt a (b)(6) female was seen on (b)(6) 2010. Doctor was working on the pt's very back right of mouth when the pt complained of burning. The doctor claims it looked like a chemical burn and discoloration; lip was burning. The doctor also alleges the cotton rolls instantly burned pt, not even 30 seconds in mouth. Mouth was rinsed with water. Pt was seen next day, the skin was coming off and pt had a mild burn.
Patient Sequence No: 2, Text Type: D, B5

[14233150] Method eval: biocompatibility tests (retesting). Results not yet available. (initial testing results conducted on complaint samples are still to come). Conclusion: this type of incident was reported exclusively by one complainant, dr (b)(6). Based on the volume of these products that have been in use on the market since nov 2008, the acceptable biocompatibility tests results obtained on one of the first batches of products mfg as described, the fact that no other incident of this nature was ever brought to our attention, we have no clear evidence that the injuries reported by dr (b)(6) are directly related to the cotton rolls. We mfr and distribute this product on other markets (b)(4) and no other similar complaint was filed for this product or for any other brands of the similar cotton rolls that we manufacture.
Patient Sequence No: 2, Text Type: N, H10

[6355874] Since (b)(6) 2009, the doctor alleges they had six different pts experience various levels of what looks like a chemical burn caused by the cotton rolls. Some of the pts had to be treated with antibiotics as a result. The patient a (b)(6) female was seen on (b)(6) 2009. The pt's mouth was numb when the doctor worked on the lower right of mouth. The doctor alleges the front part of mouth was frozen; therefore, the pt did not feel the burning. One month later, the pt came back to the office and complained of a burn and scar. Pt went to physician for antibiotics as the infection had set in. Doctor claims the burn took one month to heal and pt had scarring.
Patient Sequence No: 3, Text Type: D, B5

[14087130] Method eval: biocompatibility tests (retesting). Results not yet available. (initial testing results conducted on complaint samples are still to come). Conclusion: this type of incident was reported exclusively by one complainant, dr (b)(6). Based on the volume of these products that have been in use on the market since nov 2008, the acceptable biocompatibility tests results obtained on one of the first batches of products mfg as described, the fact that no other incident of this nature was ever brought to our attention, we have no clear evidence that the injuries reported by dr (b)(6) are directly related to the cotton rolls. We mfr and distribute this product on other markets (b)(4) and no other similar complaint was filed for this product or for any other brands of the similar cotton rolls that we manufacture.
Patient Sequence No: 3, Text Type: N, H10

[6327628] Since (b)(6) 2009, the doctor alleges they had six different pts experience various levels of what looks like a chemical burn caused by the cotton rolls. Some of the pts had to be treated with antibiotics as a result. The pt a (b)(6) male seen on (b)(6) 2010. The doctor claims the pt has a burn on the inside of lip exactly the same shape of the cotton roll. The pt instantly complained when placed in the mouth that the cotton roll burned. Pt called the doctor back a few times alleging that it feels like he has a paper stuck to his lip and it feels like a chemical burn without the pain.
Patient Sequence No: 4, Text Type: D, B5

[13519984] Method eval: biocompatibility tests (retesting). Results not yet available. (initial testing results conducted on complaint samples are still to come). Conclusion: this type of incident was reported exclusively by one complainant, dr (b)(6). Based on the volume of these products that have been in use on the market since nov 2008, the acceptable biocompatibility tests results obtained on one of the first batches of products mfg as described, the fact that no other incident of this nature was ever brought to our attention, we have no clear evidence that the injuries reported by dr (b)(6) are directly related to the cotton rolls. We mfr and distribute this product on other markets (b)(4) and no other similar complaint was filed for this product or for any other brands of the similar cotton rolls that we manufacture.
Patient Sequence No: 4, Text Type: N, H10

[6080665] Since (b)(6) 2009, the doctor alleges they had six different pts experience various levels of what looks like a chemical burn caused by the cotton rolls. Some of the pts had to be treated with antibiotics as a result. The pt a (b)(6) female was seen on (b)(6) 2010. The doctor had performed some fillings in the front of the mouth. During a f/u visit, eight days later, the pt told the doctor of a burn in the front of mouth like a large canker sore.
Patient Sequence No: 5, Text Type: D, B5

[13845811] Method eval: biocompatibility tests (retesting). Results not yet available. (initial testing results conducted on complaint samples are still to come). Conclusion: this type of incident was reported exclusively by one complainant, dr (b)(6). Based on the volume of these products that have been in use on the market since nov 2008, the acceptable biocompatibility tests results obtained on one of the first batches of products mfg as described, the fact that no other incident of this nature was ever brought to our attention, we have no clear evidence that the injuries reported by dr (b)(6) are directly related to the cotton rolls. We mfr and distribute this product on other markets (b)(4) and no other similar complaint was filed for this product or for any other brands of the similar cotton rolls that we manufacture.
Patient Sequence No: 5, Text Type: N, H10

[6076753] Since (b)(6) 2009, the doctor alleges they had six different pts experience various levels of what looks like a chemical burn caused by the cotton rolls. Some of the pts had to be treated with antibiotics as a result. The pt a (b)(6) female seen on (b)(6) 2009. The pt was having a bridge pre on 3-6 area, a cotton roll was placed in the upper area of mouth. The next day, the pt ended up with a huge canker sore which took ten days to heal.
Patient Sequence No: 6, Text Type: D, B5

[13866082] Method eval: biocompatibility tests (retesting). Results not yet available. (initial testing results conducted on complaint samples are still to come). Conclusion: this type of incident was reported exclusively by one complainant, dr (b)(6). Based on the volume of these products that have been in use on the market since nov 2008, the acceptable biocompatibility tests results obtained on one of the first batches of products mfg as described, the fact that no other incident of this nature was ever brought to our attention, we have no clear evidence that the injuries reported by dr (b)(6) are directly related to the cotton rolls. We mfr and distribute this product on other markets (b)(4) and no other similar complaint was filed for this product or for any other brands of the similar cotton rolls that we manufacture.
Patient Sequence No: 6, Text Type: N, H10

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number9680179-2010-00001
MDR Report Key1632532
Report Source05,06,08
Date Received2010-03-15
Date of Report2010-02-09
Date of Event2009-09-15
Date Facility Aware2010-02-09
Report Date2010-03-02
Date Reported to FDA2010-03-05
Date Reported to Mfgr2010-03-02
Date Mfgr Received2010-02-16
Device Manufacturer Date2008-07-01
Date Added to Maude2011-01-24
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Reporter OccupationDENTIST
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer Street1200 55TH AVE. STE 200
Manufacturer CityMONTREAL, QUEBEC H8T 3J8
Manufacturer CountryCA
Manufacturer PostalH8T 3J8
Manufacturer CitySHANGHAI 201611
Manufacturer CountryCH
Manufacturer Postal Code201611
Single Use3
Remedial ActionOT
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeEFN
Date Received2010-03-15
Returned To Mfg2010-03-01
Catalog Number102-5455
Lot NumberUNK
Device AvailabilityY
Device AgeNA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
ManufacturerA.R. MEDICOM, INC.
Manufacturer AddressSHANGHAI CH


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2010-03-15
201. Other 2010-03-15
301. Other 2010-03-15
40 2010-03-15
501. Other 2010-03-15
601. Other 2010-03-15

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