I am a director of (b)(6), using the beckman access instrument to measure total t4 -tt4- in pts' samples. Twice this year we have received a new lot of tt4 reagent, which resulted in a significant drop in our internal qc results for this test. After much effort to determine the nature of the problem, we conclude that is new reagent. After contacting beckman we are told that, yes, they are/were aware that the new reagent lot is biased from the previous lot. The fda limits for lot-to-lot variation is very wide. Beckman clinical scientists are well aware that most labs internal qc is, by regulatory necessity, tighter than the fda limits for reagent. My complaint is: why doesn't beckman, and other reagent/device companies, provide lot-to-lot variation so as to alert laboratories of a likely bias in their internal qc program. Such an alert would provide data for a qc shift and allow the lab not to waste time investigating a "qc problem".
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5