Consumer reported being concerned that the device is harmful to consumers due in large part to the manner in which it is being used. Rptr writes, "i wish to inquire about a piece of electrical med equipment which i truly think is harmful to persons due in large part to the manner in which it is being used. The device is called an mrm/bfd which stands for muscle response monitor/bio-feedback device. I came across this device last yr here in the hands of a person selling herbal preparations for the enrich co out or orem utah. " "at the time i was informed that the device was being tested and soon to have fda approval. Well i did not just fall off the farm wagon, and having worked in the field of bio-med equipment repair for a large hosp, i know what is required to market electronic med equipment that is intended to be used on humans. " "having some time go buy to give the benefit of the doubt i called enrich to make inquiry about this device. I have rec'd every evasive answers, and was told that the fda gave limited approval over five yrs ago to sell the mrm/bfd to some of their dists, and the device was no longer able to be sold. I relayed to them that the person using the device here purchased it on the spring cruise hosted by enrich early on in 1997. I guess that my main complaint is with the vagueness that is coming from enrich and the diagnostic manner in which this device is being used. It is quite easy to see, that were one to have an over supply of product and desired to move it, all one had to do is place the product specifics at the end of the test when the person being tested hand gets tired, and low and behold the need for that product shows a strong need. ""while it is not my desire to down play herbal preparations as a form of healing, since so many of the drugs in use today have a plant background ect ect i am however disturbed with this machine and the implications of its abuse. " "the person plying his herbs here" "also publishes a monthly fact sheet", in which "claims of cures are being made. " "simply put he is practicing medicine without liscense. " "please look into the fda's stand on the machine, and why enrich is being so evasive about it. "
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5