On the morning of day 4, (b)(6), upon removing the cranial remolding helmet, numerous bloody abrasions revealed on the infant's head: one large on the right side near the ear, and multiple abrasions on the right fore head. The facility did not provide an informed consent describing the potential for such adverse events. The technician, not medical staff, instructed the parent to apply cortisone and stop wearing the helmet. When contacting a medical nurse for a second opinion, the nurse corrected the technician stating that one should not apply cortisone to the open bleeding sore on the infant's head. Each attempt to use the helmet results in abrasions and the facility instructs to not use the helmet until the skin heals, which takes about 3 weeks. Each attempt results in new abrasions. Due to the infant's rapid growth, the helmet does not fit properly and the technician instructed to continue attempting to use the helmet that does not fit and persists to injure the infant's head. The technician did not offer another helmet or other solution, just insisted that if we didn't use that particular helmet, then the infant will have a misshaped head. Dates of use: (b)(6)2010- (b)(6)2010. Diagnosis or reason for use: plagiocephaly. Event abated after use: yes. Event reappeared after reintroduction: yes.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5