Around 9:00 am, january 2, 1998 dr packed two teeth with siltrax epi 9 cord, batch #020100. She packed a total of 1. 5 inches. Prior to packing the cord the dentist asked her if she was on any medication or had any heart problems or hypertension problems and she was told no. About 12:30 pm of the same day the pt called complaining of nausea, dizziness and nervousness. The dentist knew that the pt had worked the night shift the night before, had not slept since working, and had not eaten any breakfast so she thought that she may have low blood sugar so she told her to take some orange juice. She had only a cup of tea between leaving the dentist's office and the onset of symptoms. The dentist called back a few mins later and the symptoms did not pass and she told the pt to go to a hosp er. The pt thought that this was unnecessary so the dentist talked to her son and told him to take her no matter what. She was taken to emergency and pulse and blood pressure were normal. Her electrocardiogram was taken but they wanted to compare it to her earlier electrocardiogram to see if it was abnormal. When comparing it, they found it abnormal. The er dr diagnosed it as cardiac ascemia. Her cardiac enzymes were normal also. As of the evening of january 3, her electrocardiogram was normal. They are keeping her in the hosp and plan to do a stress test today, january 5. Pt described as skinny as a rail by dr. Other notes: she was laid off work at a hosp over a mo ago and, after much negotiations, she got her job only now she had to work the night shift instead of the day shift. She had worked 6 nights in row prior to her dentist visit. The dentist described her as "skinny as a rail. " pt released from hosp on 1/7/98. Pt is still week.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5