There were several patients during a period of two months that had difficulties getting out of the recliner chair. Other problems include patients sliding onto the floor because the fabric is slippery, patient's legs getting trapped in between the chair seat and leg rest, and patients unable to find the device to lower the leg rest and trying to push it down with their legs causing the chair to tip over and falling off the recliner. ====================== health professional's impression======================the chair is not stable when the patient shifts their weight or tries to get out and up into a standing position. Many patients and visitors were not clear on how to drop the leg rest down since the recliner has a button instead of a hand crank. It does not appear to be a good chair for hospitalized patients. ==================================================================reporter indicated the recliner textile is durable antimicrobial woven, purple color. There had been 5 compaints during the two months period. The recliners were discarded "because they were unsafe to continue to allow patients to use them. " the patient's weight or anatomy are not believed to be contributed factors in this event.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5