The gti test kit is used to determine hit antibodies. However, it has been learned that the test kit is giving false positives as confirmed by the blood ctr of (b)(6). Gti does not feel this is clinically significant and recommends if there is a question to purchase gti's confirmation kits. However, the question then becomes what do you do if you get what you believe is a false positive, use gti's confirmation kit and get a negative result. This is not a satisfactory solution where it is believed there is a product giving false positives. Our blood bank physician can provide much more detailed info if desired. The local solution is that if gti's test is negative, then no further action. If there is a positive test using gti's kit, another sample will be sent to the blood ctr of (b)(6) for verification. This is not an optimal solution but the only one we feel comfortable with at the present time. Diagnosis or reason for use: hit testing.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5