In (b)(6), i went into dr (b)(6) office with a friend. He talked with me about a new laser, it's called the zerona. I trusted that it would be used correctly and help me achieve my goal. I was told the procedure had to be given every other day. On which i did show up for my appointments. I was asked to take curva, i'm not sure what was in it. The doctor didn't explain why i had to take it or what it was. I did take it. He also advised me to stay away from alcohol and coffee, which i did. I was told to drink 8 8oz glasses of water everyday, which i did. I had to eat right, which i do anyway. I have belonged to a gym for the past 7 years and work hard at keeping myself healthy. So i arrived on (b)(6), 2010 for my first treatment and had 5 others as he requested. However, on the fourth day, i asked why the fat tissues were not being flushed out of my system as he promised. I did have stomach problems from then on. I had to go to the bathroom more than usual. But i continued, upon receiving my 6th treatment, traveling quite a distance and dealing with stomach issues, there had been no progress, as the doctor had promised. I was upset and expressed that to the doctor. He was willing to give me 1 extra treatment and then pay for more, claiming i would then see the results. I refused. He had told me that the zerona was fda approved. Then why didn't it work? Why did i have stomach issues? I wasn't going to expose myself to anymore of his treatments. I think maybe he didn't use it properly and that is what caused the issues. I have since noticed he changed the name of his web site and got a new laser called lapexbcs laser. This lies directly on your stomach. If the zerona was the latest in technology why was a new laser brought in? I asked for a refund but he refused, he said because he tried to make me happy by giving me free treatment and more treatments. Why in the world would i want 1 more treatment if the first 6 didn't work and then pay him more money and have them not work either. He thought he was doing me a favor. No thanks, i'll keep my money and have my stomach go back to normal. Dates of use: (b)(6) 2010.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5