Rptr was administered an acoustic reflex test on 3/10/98 as part of a compensation claim for tinnitus. A medical audiometry diagnostic device was utilized to administer this test. The test started by the clinician asking rptr to place an intra-aural earphone into the right ear canal. High intensity sound was then introduced into the right ear for an extended period of time. The same procedure was then used on the left ear. Rptr had an immediate and profound sense that his balance was affected and that his ears were stuffy and painful. Both problems still exist seven months later and have had a serious impact upon his life. In addition his eyes now have to compensate for his loss of vestibular function causing him physical exhaustion after being up part of a normal workday. The facility refuses to give rptr any info about their audiology equipment concerning equipment mfr, serial number, model number, calibration info or their safety procedures. Rptr has asked for this info using the freedom of information act. Event has resulted in periodic hospitalization.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5