While i was in his dentist's chair, dr. (b)(6) in (b)(6), insisted on cutting a hole in the rubber dam he used while extracting 8 amalgam fillings (mercury 52%) from my mouth. He did not change the dam after each extraction and had no other protection for me while he dressed up like he was going to mars. A few hrs later, i went into shock with violent shaking. Two doctors on the mainland u. S. , told me that i could have died with that much mercury going into my nose and throat. Dr. (b)(6) came to my house with mega-doses of vitamin c and magnesium. Six hrs later, after he left, i finally stopped shaking. For the next six months, i was bed-ridden due to the collapse of my optical and auditory nerves, as well as my near complete breakdown of all neuromuscular functions. I was cared for by my sister for a few months until she gave up on me and left. Subsequently, after 5 months of chelation with edta and dmps, i still had most of my symptoms, so i engaged an oriental medicine doctor who started me on herbal treatments. First, he diagnosed me as having more mercury in me than anyone he had ever worked within his 27 yr history of fighting mineral and chemical intoxication. It took two yrs of daily therapy to be rid of the mercury and 3 add'l yrs to rebalance my immune system. During this time, i lost my company of 60 employees, since i was the only one able to bring in contracts, lost my new home in (b)(6) with a (b)(6) investment loss, and burned through 75% of my retirement fund just to stay alive. The total medical expenses for those 5 yrs was over (b)(6) w/o insurance because insurance does not pay for such dental accidents caused by mercury. Why? Because the ada denies that mercury is dangerous! Many other health issues developed because of this incident over the yrs that i am still having to deal with and work on w/o any doctor who recognizes and accepts this causal factor. They too deny such a possibility from mercury accidents in the dentist's chair. The fda should ban the use of mercury and not be the last in the world to do so!
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5