Resident is (b)(6) old female that was admitted here on (b)(6) 2011. She has both receptive and expressive communication difficulties. She only sometimes understood and sometimes understands. She requires extensive assistance with most adls. She is able to ambulate very short distances with extensive assistance of 2 staff members. Resident was up in broda chair this a. M. With bilateral leg rests and foot calf combo on the chair. Resident had attended a visit to the podiatrist earlier in the a. M. And was somewhat agitated at that time but receives a routine ativan with the a. M. Med pass. At 1015, the nurse was called to see the resident because, the foot calf combo on her chair was covered with blood and there was an open area noted on her leg. Resident was assessed by an rn and there was a very large open area noted on the residents left inner shin/leg. There was a skin flap on part of the area but some of the skin was removed from the area and subcutaneous tissue was noted. Pressure was applied to the area to stop from bleeding. Upon investigation of the incident, it was noted that the foot rests on the broda chair had exposed bolts and a piece of the resident's skin was attached to one of the bolts. The resident had thrown her legs over the side of the chair and this caused the injury. The physician was notified of the incident and she was sent to the emergency room for evaluation. Resident returning this afternoon with dissolvable stitches and an order for treatment to th area. All the wheelchairs are being qa'd for exposed bolts and will have hardware padded as appropriate.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5