The resident was walking with their walker into the dining room at approximately 1645 hrs, to sit down at the dining room table prior to the evening meal, they stated in a loud manner, "my nose is burning, my nose is burning". The oxygen tubing was immediately removed from the resident's nose and face and the nurse turned off the flow of oxygen. Nurse then carried the container outside. The oxygen tubing was frozen and it appeared that liquid oxygen was coming out the nasal cannula when it was removed from the resident. The resident was examined immediately and warm moist packs were applied to the facial area. The physician and family were notified. The physician ordered k-y jelly to moisten the nares and to return a call to the physician for a referral to an ent physician, if condition worsened or blisters became apparent. The physician was telephoned and orders were received for an ent consult. The resident saw an ent physician on 1/25. The ent physician prescribed a nasal spray to be used multiple times daily. The resident's condition continued to improve and no further treatment was required. The administrator secured the portable oxygen unit in the office. They called and left a message on a cell phone voice mail at approximately 1715 hrs to the leasor. The president of the leasing co returned the call within 10 mins and discussed the situation with the administrator. It was determined that the device was to remain in the administrator's office until the following morning when it was picked-up by the leasing co, who then forwarded the oxygen unit to the mfr on 1/21/2000. The mfr is currently evaluating the functional status of the equipment. Facility is awaiting a response of their results.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5