MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a 01,05,07 report with the FDA on 2013-02-19 for INOMAX DSIR (DELIVERY SYSTEM) 10007 manufactured by Ikaria.

Event Text Entries

[19729163] Monitored no lower than set no [device issue]. Oxygen requirements increased as measured no values drifted lower [oxygen consumption increased]. Atelectasis [atelectasis]. Increased no to compensate for drifting measured no [therapy regimen changed]. Case description: this initial spontaneous report was received on (b)(6) 2013 from a respiratory therapist (rt) in (b)(6) via the (b)(6). The rt called to discuss why the inomax dsir measured nitric oxide (no) level was reading less than the set no value while in use with a bunnell jet ventilator. Additional info was obtained on (b)(6) 2013. Relevant medical history/comorbidities included: male born at (b)(6) on (b)(6) 2012 weighing (b)(6), ventilator dependent with severe pulmonary interstitial emphysema (pie) and suspected persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (pphn). Inomax therapy was started (date/time not provided) at 20 parts per million (ppm) via the inomax dsir (b)(4). The infant was on the bunnell jet ventilator with an fio2 of 40-50%. Baseline oxygen saturation levels after inomax initiation were in the high 80% to low 90% range. On (b)(6) 2013 an rt noticed that when the no dose was set at 20 ppm, the monitored no reading on the inomax dsir was drifting downward from 20 ppm to 16 ppm to 12 ppm and 8. 5 ppm. In order to keep the pt's oxygen saturation levels at baseline (high 80's to low 90's) the fio2 on the jet vent was increased. By 22:00 the jet vent settings were peak inspiratory pressure (pip) 40, positive end-expiratory pressure (peep) 13, inspiratory time (it) 0. 02, fio2 80-100%, respiratory rate (rr) 360, servo pressure 2. 5 to 2. 9 and conventional ventilator set to continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) 13. The inomax dsir was set at 20 ppm and the monitored no reading was 6 ppm. The rt spoke with both (b)(6) to try to identify the problem. The servo pressure was 2. 9-4, above the recommended low servo pressure limit for the bunnell jet ventilator when in use with the inomax dsir, however the no measured readings still drifted downward. The rt checked all of the connections on the inomax dsir and jet vent, but did not change the jet vent or jet circuitry because it appeared to be working appropriately. The rt wanted to rule out an inomax dsir device problem, so she switched out device (b)(4). The infant was manually ventilated with the inoblender at 20 ppm and 100% oxygen while (b)(4) (involved in the report) was set up. At that point, the pt's oxygen saturation was at baseline (high 80's low 90's). Shortly after being connected to the second inomax dsir (b)(4) with set no of 20 pm, the monitored no started to drift downward. At 23:00 the pt was switched from the jet vent to conventional ventilation drager babylog 8000 assist/control. With the set dose at 20 ppm, the monitored value was 20 ppm, and within 2 hrs the pt's fio2 was reduced back to 40%. On (b)(6) 2013, a chest x-ray showed atelectasis, and the pt was switched back to the jet ventilator (settings of hertz 360 bpm, peep 13, i time. 02, delta p 25, fio2 100%). The inomax dsir (b)(4) was connected and within a few minutes of switching back to the jet, the no readings started to drift down from 20 ppm to 14 ppm. The inomax dsir was checked and reportedly functioned correctly. A decision was made by the neonatologist to treat the pt clinically by titrating the delivery of no to pt response rather than using monitored no since inomax dsir device appeared to be delivering less than set. With tight alarm settings, the set no was at 25 ppm to keep monitored no 19-20 ppm. The pt was also started on steroids. Inomax dsir (b)(4) (see 3004531588-2013-00003) is being returned to ikaria for inspection and once inomax dsir (b)(4) (involved in this report) is removed from the pt, that device will also be returned to (b)(4) for inspection.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[19837074] On (b)(6) 2013 a respiratory therapist (rt) in (b)(6) contacted (b)(6) to discuss why inomax dsir device # (b)(4) measured nitric oxide (no) level was reading less than the set no value while in use with a bunnell jet ventilator. ((b)(4)). Company comment dated (b)(6) 2013: the pt required a change in ventilatory strategy in order to reverse the atelectasis seen on non-jet ventilation, as well as significant intervention to avoid a desaturation (increased no dose and increased o2 consumption/fio2 requirements); each of these events is being considered serious.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number3004531588-2013-00004
MDR Report Key2971910
Report Source01,05,07
Date Received2013-02-19
Date of Report2013-01-21
Date of Event2013-01-12
Date Mfgr Received2013-01-21
Date Added to Maude2013-02-21
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA0
Event Location0
Manufacturer ContactDAVID TRUEBLOOD, DIR
Manufacturer Street2902 DAIRY DR
Manufacturer CityMADISON WI 53718
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal53718
Manufacturer Phone6083953910
Manufacturer G1IKARIA
Manufacturer Street2902 DAIRY DR
Manufacturer CityMADISON WI 53718
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal Code53718
Single Use0
Previous Use Code0
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeMRQ
Date Received2013-02-19
Model Number10007
Device AvailabilityY
Device AgeDA
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer AddressMADISON WI US


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2013-02-19

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