In (b)(6) 1982, i had a vasectomy at (b)(6) in (b)(6) by (b)(6). After having this done my groin and testicle area, mainly on my left side. "to dr about it at several other visits and received no real explanation for the pain i was having". If i bumped that area very lightly it would cause severe pain. I think the plastic clamps that were used on the area are the blame. The pain continued to persist and increased slowly so that by (b)(6), i was having trouble bending forward even slightly. Enough so that i was being forced to kneel down to do what i was going to do instead of bending. The pain seems to move, other side lower back and it is getting worse almost daily. Despite many x-rays, mri, cat scans at (b)(6) both (b)(6)s and more. None has found a reason or cure. I believe the clamps used did not dissolve as the doctor said they would, or something with the sutures to close the incisions are the problem. In the last 6 months or so it seems to even make a difference with different types of upper and lower body movement. Your attention to this problem would be appreciated, because i have exhausted all other attempts to get the help i need to solve this matter. Thank you.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5