MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed with the FDA on 2013-05-07 for SENSI-CARE STING FREE ADHESIVE RELEASER SPRAY TR101 manufactured by .

Event Text Entries

[46475416] Reported to the fda on 05/08/2013. Note: the actual date of event is unknown, so the date used was the date convatec became aware.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[46475417] Reported by the complainant as follows... The (b)(6) hospitalized girl had tegaderm on top of emla-creme before blood sampling. The nurse was spraying niltac before removal of the tegaderm. The mother put her hand on the childs arm in order to comfort her and the mother got an electric shock/antistatic reaction. Here after the nurse visualized a flame of 20 cm for less than 5 seconds. The child has no side or late effects of the incidence. The right bend of the arm got a redness about 7 x 7 cm. No burns or blisters. The girl got very scared and shocked. The arm was cooled under running cool water and then added xylocaine on arm. The girl has no permanent marks on the arm but tremendous fear now. She was afraid for blood sampling earlier, before this incident. Mother was shocked and had reported the injury. They have continuous contact with the patient and mother. This communication was received from the user facility. It appeared that a flame had erupted as the liquid product was sprayed on the child's arm and the mother who was holding on to the arm at the arm also felt a 'static shock'. The child is not reported to have suffered any burns injury or any other disfiguring injury to the arm other than 'slight' redness which was cooled with some running water. Xylocaine was also applied (for pain, most likely). Based on this new piece of information, the adverse effect suffered by the patient is no longer deemed serious as there was no report of it leading to a deterioration in health, death, hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization. However, this complaint is not being treated as a serious malfunction because a recurrence may lead to serious burn injuries to a patient, especially if there was a suitable trigger for the flames. Burns to the skin may require skin grafting or other medical/surgical intervention to treat if flame is not quickly extinguished. The product appropriately has a 'flammable' sign on the container. The product consists of a nonflammable aerosol propellant (134a) but the product concentrate is predominantly made up of a liquid classified as flammable. For this reason, the text on the aerosol does include the flammable symbol. With over one million units of the product sold, no similar incidence has been reported to the company in the past. Whilst any flammable liquid could theoretically produce a vapor concentration that may be flammable as it evaporates, unfortunately the account does not provide any information regarding any other possible sources of flammable vapors or ignition sources. For example; was any electric equipment being used in the vicinity or what other substances were being used i. E. Were alcohol swabs used to clean the surrounding area of the dressing or even alcohol gel used on the nurses hands before starting the procedure, either could have provided a flammable vapor cloud which could have been ignited by a suitable ignition source. From a clinical perspective, a causal relationship between the adhesive remover spray and this event is deemed possible because product use is temporally associated with the skin where the problem occurred. The current risk assessment includes the risk of ignition and this is mitigated by warnings on the label.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number1000317571-2013-00002
MDR Report Key3104635
Date Received2013-05-07
Date of Report2013-04-09
Date of Event2013-04-09
Date Mfgr Received2013-04-09
Date Added to Maude2013-05-10
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactKATRINA FIEDLER
Manufacturer Street200 HEADQUARTERS PARK DRIVE
Manufacturer CitySKILLMAN NJ 08558
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal08558
Manufacturer Phone9089042541
Manufacturer CountryUK
Manufacturer Postal CodeCH5 2NU
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report0

Device Details

Product CodeKOX
Date Received2013-05-07
Model NumberTR101
Catalog NumberTR101
Lot Number012322
Device AvailabilityN
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrR
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2013-05-07

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