I am a pt, (b)(6) female, that has been using invisalign since (b)(6) 2011, currently on 3rd ste of trays, 2 revisions. In (b)(6) 2012, i began to experience symptoms of inflammation in several areas of my body. I associated it with menopause and sought treatment for each of these symptoms. I experienced keratitis concurrently with what i suspected to be tennis elbow. Antibiotics for the eye and corticosteroid injection for the elbow. In (b)(6) 2012, i began to experience knee pain, which ended up in injections of hyaluronic acid for both knees. All this time, i suffered from extremely dry eyes requiring the use of lubricating ointment at night. In (b)(6) 2012, i developed recurrent effusions of the right knee. After several visits to different orthopaedics and no relief, i sought treatment with a rheumatologist. Diagnosis was spondyloarthritis which was not totally responsive to celebrex. I have since visited a do who is an alternative practitioner and was tested for lyme as well as testing of allergies. In looking for clues, he did a complete medical history timeline. He tested the invisalign retainer i was wearing at the time, electric acupuncture machine, and it turned out i was sensitive to the materials in the retainer. To test this, i did not wear the retainer for 1 week. I felt so much better with pain lessening by the day and my knee was normal. As soon as i tried the retainer, all it took was sleeping with it and removing it at lunch time the next day, my knee is swollen and my elbow is painful to touch again. Event abated after use stopped or does reduced: yes. Event reappeared after reintroduction: yes.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5