Following administration of adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, a veress needle was inserted into the left upper quadrant. The abdomen was then insufflated with approximately 4 l of carbon dioxide. Next, an 11 mm vertical incision was made and a 11 mm trocar and portal were inserted. The trocar was removed and the port was connected to the insufflator. A storz light source and video camera were connected to a 10 mm angled diagnostic laparoscope. This was inserted into the umbilical port. The veress needle was visualized and removed. Next, accessory portals were placed in the upper abdomen. At this point, we began with lysis of the adhesions. Smoke was noted to be coming from the storz light source. The procedure was immediately terminated. Storz light source and insufflator were disconnected from the patient. All ports were removed. Carbon dioxide was allowed to escape. Instruments and ports removed and fire rapidly controlled. Once the fire involving the storz light source had been controlled and the patient was stabilized, the patient was moved to a different operating room with other equipment. The procedure was completed without further incidence, and no untoward effects to patient. The patient taken to recovery in stable condition.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5