Child had perforated left thermoplastic hand splint fitted over stockinette on 4/20/92. Skin irritation developed by 4/22/92. Became progressively worse by 4/24/92 and child referred to pedfiatrician. Allergic reaction to the thermoplastic splint diagnosed and splint discontinued. Pediatrician debrided macerated skin of hand. By 4/27/. 92, child developed hand hyperhydrosis. Hand has completely healeddevice labeled for single use. Patient medical status prior to event: invalid data. Invalid data - regarding multiple patient involvement. Invalid data - on device service/maintenance. No data - regarding date last serviced. Service provided by: invalid data. Invalid data - service records availability. No imminent hazard to public health claimed. Device used as labeled/intended. Device was evaluated after the event. Method of evaluation: actual device involved in incident was evaluated, visual examination. Results of evaluation: unanticipated adverse reaction - short term. Conclusion: there was no device failure. Certainty of device as cause of or contributor to event: yes. Corrective actions: device discarded, other. The device was destroyed/disposed of.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5