Six days after a laser "vitrification" procedure on a fractured right mandibular molar to "prevent a root canal", i was hospitalized with intractable vomiting, ataxia, vertigo, diplopia, hearing loss and other cranial nerve deficits. I was admitted to the neuro intensive care unit and treated as a stroke patient. Seven weeks later, after discharge from a rehabilitation hospital and bi-weekly physical therapy sessions my condition was markedly improved. Unfortunately, i relapsed and was hospitalized again for the same symptoms and the new onset of electrical shock sensations affecting the right face. I rec'd a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and was started on high-dose steroids with a three week taper after discharge. A couple of weeks after discharge in (b)(6), while tapering off steroids, i developed spasms in the right face. Facial rehabilitation partially resolved the problem. At my clinic f/u in neurology, there was talk of autoimmune disease and plasmapheresis which was never performed due to improvement in my clinical condition. At the following clinic visit, the diagnosis of adem was suggested and this has remained the working diagnosis.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5