MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed with the FDA on 2002-10-25 for RESONANT LIGHT, INC. OF B.C., CANADA * manufactured by Resonant Light Technology Inc..

Event Text Entries

[256254] Subject: complaint about resonant light, inc. Makers of rife machine. Over a year ago pt purchased a rife machine from a donald l tunney and co now named resonant light technologies, inc. The device was purchased for $3000 usd. Pt was convinced device would help cure fibromyalgia. They had been told about the device by a chiropractor. Pt then spent time searching out materials about this technology on the internet. Desperate for relief from the pain and discomfort of illness pt purchased this device for their own personal use. Pt and rptr have two young children who rptr is concerned have been exposed to the emmissions from this device. Originally, pt would only operate the device when the children were away from the home at school. As they became more desperate they started to run the device for hrs at a time and would run the device when the children were in the house. Whenever rptr arrived home from work and found the children in the house with the device running rptr attempted to get them outside or take them to another location. This device consists of a 200 watt amplifier connected to a square-wave frequency generator that is used to supply a signal to a cb radio tuned to channel 14. The energy pulses are then pumped into a gas tube that contains an arc that hums and glows. Since the device was put into operation by pt there have been a number of disturbing observations that further fueled rptr's concern for their children's and spouse' safety and health. Spouse would hear nothing of rptr's concerns and rptr has focused on protecting their children as best they could. The device has been responsible for interference on the electrical devices throughout the home, namely the radios, vcr and television. The lamp in the next room to this device is of the type that with a touch it turns on and off. When the rife machine is operating the lamp will continuously cycle through its three intensity settings, growing lighter and darker over and over again as the device pulses. When rptr arrives home and the device is operational there are times when they can tell the device is on from the driveway because it causes pulsed static on the car radio. At the start of last summer rptr had to disable the cable modem that had been operating in their home. The cable co and rptr were able to identify the problem that was shutting down the "head" device that serviced about 100 homes in their area of town. Since the cable frequency was close to a cb channel 14 frequency the boosting of the signal strength and modulation of the pulsed frequency signals caused a feedback up the coaxial cables that fed the home and overloaded the cable co's equipment. Rptr was told by the tech and engineer from the cable co that prior to notifying rptr the cable co had been able to measure signals emmanating from the house with hand-held equipment at the telephone pole nearly 75 feet from the home. As rptr has worked to learn more about this device pt has weeded through literally hundreds of web pages and posting touting the miracle of this technology. There has been no miracle in rptr's household and rptr is particularly concerned about the potential that their children may have been exposed to rf radiation that may damage their dna. According to some of what rptr has read the rf radiation emmitted from a cell phone at 3. 5 watts has been potentially implicated in cell damage. The whole premise of the rife technology is that the energy radiated disturbs cells. The mfr and "experts" on this technology claim is it is specifically based upon frequency. Rptr worries that they are correct in some respects that the energy does have a cellular impact and wrong as to the limited nature of the impact.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report NumberMW1026553
MDR Report Key425016
Date Received2002-10-25
Date of Report2002-10-25
Date of Event2002-06-01
Date Added to Maude2002-11-01
Event Key0
Report Source CodeVoluntary report
Manufacturer LinkN
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag0
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA0
Report to FDA0
Event Location3
Single Use0
Previous Use Code0
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeLDQ
Date Received2002-10-25
Model Number*
Catalog Number*
Lot Number*
ID Number*
Device AvailabilityN
Implant FlagN
Date Removed*
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key414070
Manufacturer AddressBOX 396 = #3 2401 CLIFFE AVE COURTENAY, BRITISH COLUMBIA CA V9N 2L5


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2002-10-25

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