On (b)(6) 2014 i was injected with expression in both cheek areas as a wrinkle reducer by dr. (b)(6) 9a board certified plastic surgeon. I have never used this product before. Within a few days my cheek bone area became swollen and red, itchy and hard especially, my left side. The swelling increased daily. I called his office on (b)(6). He was away and his staff contacted him and he advised warm compresses. On (b)(6) the left side facial swelling was so bad my eye was almost closed. I went to an emergency room and was diagnosed with cellulitis not an allergic reaction but yet prescribed 500 mg of keflex. Prior to my injection i was told by dr. (b)(6) that the expression was not fda approved just as most injectables were not. At my recent visit he told me that i was only the third person to have a reaction. The keflex seems to be working as well and the swelling has diminished slightly especially around the eye areas.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5