A 6 amalgam fillings placed many years ago. I am not sure of the dates. I have been to doctor after doctor who could not tell me what was wrong with a myriad of gi, neurological, endocrine immunological, joint complaints, thyroid goiter and other complaints. I have had a diagnosis of chronic fatigue. I recently had fillings removed by iomt protocol 4 in (b)(6) and 2 in (b)(6). (my regular dentist refused to use iomt protocol). My energy levels have improved to normal, but other complaints are not resolved. I am still having especially troublesome neurological effects. I am putting today's date on the date of event because this form is inadequate for chronic toxicity. It is designed for acute toxicities. I have been sick for years. Although the mercury from the amalgams is not the total cause, the improvement of symptoms after the removal, which also correlates with the data from studies about lowering of blood mercury levels, proves in my mind that the amalgams are partly causing the symptoms. Please convince ada to honour the minamata convention and stop routine use of amalgam!
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5