MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a 01,06,07 report with the FDA on 2015-03-03 for SYSTEM 2000 AR* manufactured by Arjo Hospital Equipment Ab.

Event Text Entries

[5478857] Initially it was reported by arjohuntleigh's representative that caregiver slipped outside of the bath. "after hours, caregiver went to tub room to retrieve some items. Tub was not in use. Caregiver slipped on pool of water that was leaking (from the grey shower handle per the staff member)". As a result of this incident caregiver sustained bruised leg and hip. Device examination showed that the device "was in great working order, with no issue of any operational issues. No dents or peeling of paints. Complete function test showed tub to be responding with no issues".
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[13072620] (b)(4). An investigation was carried out into this complaint. When reviewing similar reportable events on system 2000 baths we haven't found any other similar case. Therefore we consider this event to be an isolated incident. The device was inspected by an arjohuntleigh representative at the customer site and found to be working to its specification. However from further examination and information provided by the customer it was found that the user loosened bottom hose connection with hand pressure, what could lead to the leakage. Therefore we can state that the involved device failed to meet its specification. The device wasn't being used for patient handling, however reported malfunction contributed to the event - caregiver slipped. A "5 why" analysis has been performed in relation to reported incident. We came to a conclusion that the reported problem - caregiver slipped because of wet floor, is the most likely related to user error. Product instruction for use (ifu) is equipped with each device. Ifu (04. Ar. 08/7gb from october 2006) provides information about correct and safe use of the product. It informs: a service routine must be done on your bath system every year by arjo authorised service personnel to ensure the safety and operating procedures of your product. See chapter preventive maintenance schedule. If you require further information, please contact your local arjo representative who can offer comprehensive support and service program to maximise the long-term safety, reliability and value of the product. Contact your local arjo representative for replacement parts. Your service representative stocks the parts you will need". "if the product does not work as intended, immediately contact your local arjo representative for support". Ifu notify also: "modifications made to the equipment without express acknowledgement from arjo will invalidate supplier's product liability" instruction for use provides also information about preventive maintenance actions. In accordance to it customer is obliged to check visually hoses, pipes and connections every week - inspect for leaks of any kind. From above labelling excerpts we can state that the user did not follow ifu's recommendations. No dates or information about training to caregiver were provided. Additionally, the service technician who interviewed the customer indicated to staff member that at any time they may have any issue to contact arjo immediately and open a service call please note also that slippage is a sudden or involuntary movement where the person loses foothold, as on a smooth surface. The leakage of the water doesn't cause it by itself, but these kind of events are considered to be unfortunate accidents. There are also other factors that need to appear to cause this incident e. G. : lack of carefulness, smooth or soapy surface. Problem described in complaint (b)(4)concerns situation where the caregiver was aware about problem with leaking hose, however he didn't took precautions to solve the issue. Therefore, we also consider this event to be isolated incident where user wasn't care enough to avoid this incident. (b)(4).
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number3007420694-2015-00050
MDR Report Key4570313
Report Source01,06,07
Date Received2015-03-03
Date of Report2015-02-04
Date of Event2015-02-03
Date Facility Aware2015-02-04
Report Date2015-03-02
Date Reported to FDA2015-03-02
Date Reported to Mfgr2015-03-03
Date Mfgr Received2015-02-04
Device Manufacturer Date2009-05-01
Date Added to Maude2015-05-07
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactPAMELA WRIGHT
Manufacturer Street12625 WETMORE STE 308
Manufacturer CitySAN ANTONIO TX 78247
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal78247
Manufacturer Phone2102787040
Manufacturer StreetVERKSTADSVAGEN 5
Manufacturer CityESLOV 24121
Manufacturer CountrySW
Manufacturer Postal Code24121
Single Use3
Remedial ActionNO
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Brand NameSYSTEM 2000
Product CodeILM
Date Received2015-03-03
Model NumberAR*
Device AvailabilityY
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrR
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer AddressVERKSTADSVAGEN 5 ESLOV 24121 SW 24121


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2015-03-03

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