MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a 01,05 report with the FDA on 2015-06-26 for COREGA manufactured by Glaxosmithkline Dungarvan Ltd.

Event Text Entries

[6057709] Anaphylaxis. Swollen lips, terrible sore throat, bleeding gums, swollen upper, breathlessness, hoarse voice, product complaint. Case description: this case was reported by a physician and described the occurrence of anaphylaxis in a female patient who received gsk denture adhesive (formulation unknown) (corega) cream for drug use for unknown indication. On an unknown date, the patient started corega. On an unknown date, an unknown time after starting corega, the patient experienced anaphylaxis (serious criteria gsk medically significant and clinically significant/intervention required), lip swelling, sore throat, gingival bleeding, swelling, breathlessness and hoarse voice. On an unknown date, the outcome of the anaphylaxis, lip swelling, sore throat, gingival bleeding, swelling, breathlessness and hoarse voice were unknown. It was unknown if the reporter considered the anaphylaxis, lip swelling, sore throat, gingival bleeding, swelling, breathlessness and hoarse voice to be related to corega. This report is made by gsk without prejudice and does not imply any admission or liability for the incident or its consequences. Additional details: this is an initial report of a spontaneous adverse event corega cream in a female consumer who is also a health care professional, with initials cbt. She reported this occurrence to the gsk call center. She has reported that for a long time she used the corega powder however due to current stock-outs in the local market she started using corega cream (dates not specified). She reported that she experienced anaphylaxis, with the following events: swollen lips, a swollen upper palate, breathlessness, bleeding gums, terrible sore throat and a hoarse voice. The lot number for the product is v14081. Follow-up was conducted and this is all the information that was gathered from the reporter. Follow up information received on 12 february 2015: qa analysis revealed the complaint to be unsubstantiated.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[13700147] The complaint sample was sent to the lab for analysis. Test: description specification: a reddish pink mass of gums and petrolatum, free of lumps, granular particles or foreign matter. Result: complies. Test: ph. Specification: 6. 5 to 7. 5. Result: 6. 5. Testing was carried out on the complaint sample and results were within specification indicating that the product was satisfactory for use. The batch documentation was checked before release and also on receipt of this complaint and found to be satisfactory. See scanned page.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number9681138-2015-00035
MDR Report Key4877677
Report Source01,05
Date Received2015-06-26
Date of Report2015-01-22
Date Mfgr Received2015-01-22
Date Added to Maude2015-07-06
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional0
Initial Report to FDA0
Report to FDA0
Event Location0
Manufacturer StreetP.O BOX 13398
Manufacturer CityRESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK NC 27709
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal27709
Manufacturer Phone8888255249
Manufacturer G1GSK
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Brand NameCOREGA
Product CodeKOL
Date Received2015-06-26
Lot NumberV14081
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer AddressDUNGARVAN EI


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other; 2. Required No Informationntervention 2015-06-26

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