On (b)(6) 2015, the complaints manager from integra life sciences, notified organogenesis that info had been received from a sales rep from mountain medical indicating that following a tendon repair surgery in the foot where inforce was used, the "wound started to dehisce a month after it had healed". This info was initially received as part of a medical inquiry from the sales rep to integra product manager and no add'l details regarding the event were provided. On (b)(6) 2015, add'l info was provided from the sales rep in response to f/u inquiries that indicated the graft had been removed, however, no add'l detail was provided at that time. On (b)(6) 2015, oi was provided with info obtained from the treating clinician that verified that a revision surgery had been performed and the tendon had been debrided and the product had been removed. Add'l details regarding the event were also provided by the treating clinician at that time. The treating clinician reported. "pt was taken to surgery on (b)(6) 2015 scheduled for a primary repair of a achilles tendon tear. A v to y gastroc recession was also provided. The intergra inforce graft was used. The first graft opened was deemed to be too small for the watershed correction. The smaller graft was placed to reinforce the gastroc recession and a larger graft was place about the watershed repair. The pt was placed in a posterior splint. Sutures were removed on (b)(6) 2015 and the surgical site was deemed to be well healed. The pt was placed in a short leg fiberglass cast, non-weight bearing. On (b)(6) 2015, the pt was seen with a complaint of sanguineous drainage. Cast was removed and a dehiscence was documented at the watershed. The wound was cultured and the pt was then placed in a posterior splint. Would care efforts continued with compression dressings. A cluster of smaller wounds later developed about the proximal incision over the gastroc recession where second graft was placed. The pt was eventually referred to plastics and the tendon was later debrided and all graft product was removed surgically with the debridement of the tendon. The wound and incision promptly healed thereafter".
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5