NSK X-SG65L H1009

MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a distributor report with the FDA on 2015-08-10 for NSK X-SG65L H1009 manufactured by Nakanishi, Inc..

Event Text Entries

[23402083] On (b)(6) 2015, nakanishi received a phone call from a distributor saying that a dentist had burned a pt due to overheating of an nsk handpiece, ti-max x-sg65l. Details are as follows: the event occurred on (b)(6) 2015. The pt is male. The pt was burned on the upper left in a mouth.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[27016584] Upon receipt of the device involved in the mdr event, nakanishi conducted a failure analysis of the returned device that included measurement of the temperature of the operating device [(b)(4)]. These activities are described in more detail below. Methodology used : a) nakanishi examined the device history record for the subject ti-max x-sg65l device [serial number (b)(4)]. There were no problems observed during the manufacturing or testing noted in the dhr. B) nakanishi performed a simple movement test of the returned device. Nakanishi set a test bur in the handpiece and rotate it by hand to see bearing condition. Nakanishi observed that the bur did not rotate at all. C) nakanishi then cleaned the inside of the handpiece using nakanishi pana-spray to perform the temperature measurement. Nakanishi observed dirt being expelled from the handpiece. After cleaning the handpiece, the test bur rotated, but it was not smooth rotation. D) nakanishi conducted a temperature testing of the returned device in the following manner. D. 1) temperature sensors were first attached to the exterior of the device at various test points (e. G. , most proximal to the patient and along points further toward the distal end of the device). The test setup was prepared to take temperature measurements at all points simultaneously, including a reference measurement at ambient room temperature. D. 2) nakanishi attached a thermocouple (sensor to measure a temperature) to each of the testing points (1), (2), (3) and (4). Nakanishi rotated the handpiece at 40,000 rpm, which is maximum rpm for the motor that drives the handpiece (40,000 prm for the handpiece), with water spray and measured the exothermic situation. D. 3) nakanishi measured the temperature rise of the returned handpiece set at 40,000 rpm (motor revolution 40,000rpm). Nakanishi confirmed the following temperature rise at the test points after the beginning of the measurement ; (1) 45. 3 degrees c, (2) 48. 6 degrees c, (3) 45. 2 degrees c and (4) 42. 8 degrees c. All the temperatures observed in the measurement were within the nakanishi specification range, however, the temperatures were relatively high compared to the temperatures observed in the normally operable x-sg65l. Identification of the specific failure mode(s) and/or mechanism(s) and the associated device component(s) involved : a) nakanishi disassembled the handpiece and performed a visual inspection of the inside parts. Nakanishi observed corrosion of almost every inner parts including the bearing. B) nakanishi took photographs of all the corroded parts mentioned above and kept them in a file. Conclusions reached based on the investigation and analysis results : 1) nakanishi identified that the cause of overheating of the returned device was due to corrosion of the inner parts. 2) a lack of maintenance generates corrosion of inner parts, which causes abnormal rotation resistance. This will contribute to the handpiece overheating. 3) in order to prevent a recurrence of the handpiece overheating, nakanishi took the following actions. 3. 1) nakanishi first reviewed the operation manual and ensured clarity, understandability and feasibility of the instructions. 3. 2) nakanishi reported the above evaluation results to the dentist and reminded the dentist of the importance of maintenance and prior-to-use checkups as instructed in the operation manual.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number9611253-2015-00105
MDR Report Key4992131
Date Received2015-08-10
Date of Report2015-07-30
Date of Event2015-07-29
Date Mfgr Received2015-07-30
Device Manufacturer Date2013-02-25
Date Added to Maude2015-08-11
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactMR. KEN BLOCK
Manufacturer Street1201 RICHARDSON DR. STE 280
Manufacturer CityRICHARDSON TX 75080
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal75080
Manufacturer Phone9724809544
Manufacturer G1NAKANISHI, INC.
Manufacturer Street700 SHIMOHINATA
Manufacturer CityKANUMA-SHI, TOCHIGI-KEN 322-8666
Manufacturer CountryJA
Manufacturer Postal Code322-8666
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Brand NameNSK
Product CodeKMW
Date Received2015-08-10
Returned To Mfg2015-08-04
Model NumberX-SG65L
Catalog NumberH1009
Device AvailabilityY
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
ManufacturerNAKANISHI, INC.
Manufacturer Address700 SHIMOHINATA KANUMA-SHI, TOCHIGI-KEN 322-8666 JA 322-8666


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2015-08-10

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