As we are validating the build of erxs within epic, we found an interesting bit of information. For ambulatory scripts for insulin u-500, it seems that epic's "foundation system" (the system that has recommendations/pre-built files on how to build drugs) has a build that is unique for u-500 which is not aligned with medication safety best practices. Epi's foundation system recommends to convert u-500 doses so that one may use a u-100 syringe. We are addressing this issue with our ehr team, endocrinology service, and diabetes nurse educations but felt that it is necessary to share since many institutions are/have transitioning/transitioned to epic. One plan is to link an order for (b)(6) syringes so both of these get ordered together. There are other challenges we expect from the diabetes nurse educators, but we will address them once we meet this week. Of note, this is erx live in the 2015 version so it would be ver obvious to epic who identified it since very few institutions are going live with this version. Coincidentally there are tow hospital systems in xxxxxxxx, xx that are going live with epic 2015. Patient counseling provided: unknown. (b)(4).
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5