Cvs rgp cleaner, item #807750 was recalled. I tried to buy it at several stores in (b)(6). On "(b)(6) 2016", i was told by the (b)(6), it was out of stock. I spent an hour the following friday going to the (b)(6). They had one cleaner on the shelf (even though it was recalled). I wanted two. They also said they were out of stock (they said they would have it by friday). They called the (b)(6) in (b)(6). (b)(6) set 2 of the lens cleaners aside for me. I took an half hour to drive there to pick up the cleaners. They refused to sell the two items to me because they said there was a recall. I would like to know why none of the stores had info on the recall to let me know about it. It is scary that the products that you clean contact lens with have been recalled. You are ultimately putting that lens in your eye. No store knew there was a recall that may have affected my use of the lens cleaner. My understanding is that the recall took place mid february. I sure hope you regulate this product because your person, (b)(6) told me you do and that i should fill out this form.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5