A beckman coulter (bec) field service engineer (fse) was dispatched to assess the instrument's performance. The fse replaced the luminometer and performed a system check. The system check failed with low washed mean. The fse noted a slow aspirate peri pump tube and replaced it. The washed system check was performed and was passing within specifications. The cause of the erroneous access ferritin results is due to a hardware malfunction; however, no one component can be implicated as the sole contributor in this event.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10
The customer reported obtaining erroneous ferritin (access ferritin) results in association with the laboratory's access 2 immunoassay system portion of the unicel dxc 600i synchron access clinical system (serial number (b)(4)) for several patients. The customer stated that failing access ferritin qc prompted patient samples to be repeated. Upon repeat of the samples for access ferritin, the customer noted a difference of 60-70 ng/ml between the repeated result and the original result. The customer stated the erroneous access ferritin results were reported from the laboratory. No corrected reports were sent as the customer believed the repeated results were not different enough to be significant to patient care. There was no change or impact to patient care or treatment in association with the erroneous access ferritin results. The customer declined to provide patient data. Calibration and quality control (qc) data were not provided for review. The customer stated that qc recovery was within range prior to the event but was failing the following day. Multiple system checks were reported to be failing washed %cv and substrate mean. During troubleshooting with the customer technical support (cts), the customer changed new aspirate probes, tightened substrate fitting, and changed the substrate probe. The system check was repeated and continued to fail with each of the changes. The patient samples were plasma samples with no reported sample integrity issues. The customer did not supply sample handling and processing information and did not supply the sample centrifugation parameters such as speed, time, and temperature. A beckman coulter (bec) field service engineer (fse) was dispatched to assess the instrument's performance.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5