Patient with latex allergy documented as anaphylaxis (some disagreement from family over this, stated it was rash). Patient had a latex containing foley catheter put in. About 6 hours later, while ceftazidime was being administered, patient appeared uncomfortable, with erythema of his skin involving his trunk, back, buttocks, and arms with developing wheals. He also had noticeably more periorbital edema than on original exam, and was complaining of feeling short of breath, despite bipap, hr to 150s. Given concern for anaphylaxis, he was given solumedrol 125mg x 1, pepcid 20mg iv x 1, epi 0. 3mg im x 1, and duoneb/racemic epi. He became hypotensive to sbp 80s and tachypneic, so anesthesia was called to stabilize his airway. Ceftazidime was discontinued. Patient improved within 24 hours. Symptoms: anaphylaxis, angioedema, skin rash, tachypnea, rash. Tachycardia suspect drug #2 dosing: indwelling catheter. Dose or amount: 2gm. Frequency: bid. Route: iv. Event abated after use stopped or dose reduced: yes. Diagnosis for use: sepsis, urinary retention.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5